Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Real Responsibilities of a Job Seeker

The Real Responsibilities of a Job SeekerThe Real Responsibilities of a Job SeekerPeople with a background in sales understand basic sales principles and know how to build a sales funnel. They understand lead generation and arent afraid of rejection because they know its part of the process. Job seekers are sales professionals and should understand what the job duties are in their new role. The responsibilities of a sales professional closely mirror those of a job seeker, as a matter of fact, these ARE actual responsibilities taken from a sales job postingDevelop new and manage existing relationships by systematic outreach and follow upPerform prospecting on the phone and in person to build a pipeline of opportunitiesStrategically manage online and offline brand promotionIncrease contact volume and enhance image in the communityPlan and implement a marketing strategy/campaignWrite strong technical and marketing materialsMonitor activities and performance to ensure activities meet or exceed established planDevelop relationships and build a pipeline. Just as sales professionals must identify the companies who need their product or service you must identify companies who could use your services. ausverkauf professionals develop a large pipeline of potential customers, leid just those who have an immediate need. Their prospective customer includes anyone who could potentially use their product. The million dollar question is How? Sales professionals target customers in different ways. One way is by identifying similar products they may use. In your case, look at companies who already employ people who do what you do. Search LinkedIn for job titles and see which companies have your job. Or you could look at what companies are doing. Are they growing? Did they win a new contract? You can identify companies that will have a future need for the problem your services solve. Once you have identified these targets, you would create a sales pitch for each individual compan y based on what they would gain by using your service.Brand promotion. As you know, you have a personal brand or personal reputation. How are you strategically managing this and promoting it within the community? Sales professionals participate in trade shows, industry events, and local events. Likewise, you should seek opportunities to attend and perhaps even speak at events in your area of expertise. Get out of the house And dont forget to build a reputation online by embracing LinkedIn groups and actively participate in discussions or by answering questions and helping others on other social networks.Strong marketing communication skills. Every email, pitch, and proposal a salesperson sends and every conversation they have can determine whether they will get the sale or not. Learn how to write and speak clearly and concisely. Your message must be put in terms your prospective employer will value and appreciate. This means, be sure to talk about the benefits of hiring you, not jus t your features (skills and abilities).Have a strategy and measure it. Having a strategy means more than applying to every job that looks interesting. Purposely focus on companies and people who you know could use your services. We call this target marketing and it happens in advance of a job posting. Dont overlook the power of connecting with recruiters, which means more than just sending them your resume. Now measure it.How many people did you reach out to this week? How many new leads or contacts did you get? How many jobs did you apply to? How many interviews did you have? How many hours did it take you to do all this?Have you ever seen a sales professionals weekly progress report? These are the kinds of metrics they are asked to track. You should too.Other duties as assigned. No job description would be complete without this caveat. It is one of the most important job responsibilities. It requires you to be resilient, flexible, and adaptable. In todays rapidly changing world, y ou need this almost as much as you need sales skills.Thick skin. The one attribute sales people possess, which more job seekers need to acquire, is the ability to deal with rejection. It is part of their job. Sales people realize that not every opportunity will convert into a sale. As a job seeker, not every lead or every interview will translate into a job offer. Be prepared for this. Learn how to cope with the fact you may never know the real reason you werent called in for an interview or selected for a job. Just keep moving forward, adapting your strategies to favor those that are successful.Hannah Morgan is a speaker and author providing no-nonsense career advice she guides job seekers and helps them navigate todays treacherous job search terrain. Hannah shares information about the latest trends, such as reputation management, social networking strategies, and other effective search techniques on her blog, Career Sherpa.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why you should be both optimistic and pessimistic in your job search

Why you should be both optimistic and pessimistic in your job searchWhy you should be both optimistic and pessimistic in your job searchTheres probably no greater yin and yang than optimism and pessimism. While these are polar opposites when it comes to your outlook on life, its often thought that being optimistic is the better way to be. After all, whowouldnt want to be around someone who is happy and boasts a glass-half-full mentality all the time?But as it turns out,unbridled enthusiasm isnt always all its cracked up to be.ThePyschology Todaystory, The Uses and Abuses of Optimism and Pessimism, looks at how optimism can be totally overrated, while pessimism definitely has its perks.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAndas a job seeker, youll need to be both optimisticandpessimistic in order to survive- and thrive- in your search.Confused? Heres how to use both optimism and pessi mism in your job search.Why optimism is important in your job searchIt motivates you.For the most part, optimists are a cheerful bunch. They believe that everything will work out in their favor, even on dayswhen employers dont respond to job applications. Theres no denying that optimism can help you stay the course during a job search. That non-flagging feeling that all will be well is definitely important while you apply for jobs.It allows you to go after what you want.Lets say that theres a job you really want, but you question if you truly have the chops to handle it. Optimism is the voice in your head that whispers, Go for it You can do it. Andwhen youre job searching, you need optimism to give you the gumption to go after what you truly desire, whether its a job with a company you desperately want to work for or a new title. Optimism buoys you to apply for that job that might just be a bit out of reach.Its appealing.Imagine two equally qualified candidates arrive for a job inte rview. One shows up smiling, confident, and in good spirits. He has a charming quality about him that energizes the room. And then theres the second candidate, who isnt as quick to smile as the first. He complains about how long it took for him to get to the interview site, and comes across as a little cold and unfriendly. Whos going to get the job? Most likely the optimistic person.People tend to gravitate towards optimistic individuals- and stay away from pessimistic types.Optimism can help you manage your stress.Job searching is stressful, even if you have an easy breezy attitude. Optimism can help you maintain a positive attitude during your job search, even when you feel like youre bedrngnis making any progress. Pessimism, on the other hand, can be exacerbated by a stressful search, which isnt going to help you make headway. By seeing the silver linings and rainbows up ahead,optimism mitigates the stress that comes with virtually every job search.Why pessimism is important in y our job searchIt gives you perspective.An optimist might automatically assume that theyre going to get any job they want. Not so for the pessimists. They tend to be more practical when it comes to applying for jobs. While this might appear to be a negative, its actually a positive. Why? Well, if you dont suppose that youre going to get the job, youre going to work harder for it. Youre less likely to send in a shoddy resume and cover letter. In short, with a pessimistic personality,youll probably take the time to make your application as amazing as it possibly can be.It can motivate you.You might be thinking, Hey, isnt motivation a part of being optimistic? Absolutely- but so is pessimism. Having a pessimistic mindset means that you realize that there are probably dozens (if not hundreds) of people all applying for the same job. And as such, you know that you have to do what it takes to get hired. So you might hire aresume writer, or proofread your application twice before sending it in. Optimism might make you overly confident, which can be good in a job search to a certain extent. Not pessimism, though.Pessimism means not taking anything for granted- ever.It pushes you to go farther, invest more time, and truly make your job search countbecause it does.It can help you manage your expectations.Hey,its not all sunny skies during a job search. Rejection can be soul crushing, and in those moments, its pessimism (and not optimism) that will keep you grounded. It helps you understand that while youre amazing in your own right, there are many other rockstar candidates out there who are vying for the same job as you.It can help you see that even if you dont get this job, youre bound to get something better in the future.It prepares you for the worst.Theres nothing more painful during a job search than to fall in love with a position, believe that its yoursand then not get hired. Thats where pessimism has its perks.Assuming that you wont get the job might not make you feel good- that is, until you actually dont get the job. If you assumed all along that you wouldnt get picked for the position (and then you dont), it might still sting, but not as much as if you had believed you were a shoe-in for the job all along.Pessimism can improve your attitude.If you thought all that pessimism might make you depressed, think again. According to thePsychology Todayarticle, pessimism can prepare you better for negative outcomes, so that when something sad does happen, its less likely to send you into a tailspin.By its very nature, pessimism can improve your mood, not worsen it.Ultimately, the goal is to be neither overly optimistic nor completely pessimistic. Its to be flexible in your feelings, to know that some situations warrant optimism, while others might fare far better with a pessimistic/realistic mindset. Pessimism, when used as a method for motivation rather than just pure negativity, can be very powerful. In short, pessimism can encourage you to wor k harder to get the job that you want.This article first appeared on FlexJobs.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from kleine Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Professional Sample Telecommunication Engineer CV Template

Professional Sample Telecommunication Engineer CV TemplateProfessional Sample Telecommunication Engineer CV TemplateJob applicants often struggle with writing a strong curriculum vitae. Not knowing exactly what formatting, phrasing, and organization employers expect to see can add to the stress and anxiety of a job search. Make the process easier on yourself by using helpful resources such as our sample telecommunications engineer cv template, which provides a handy template on which you can base your own curriculum vitae. Remember to also review our writing tips explaining how using the right language in your document can convince employers you are the right candidate for the job. Create This CVSample Telecommunication Engineer CV Template Sam JohnsonHarrisburg, PA 11111E samjohnsonanymail.com P 555-893-0987Professional SummaryHighly skilled telecommunication engineer with over 10 years experience. Thoroughly proficient in all aspects of installing, maintaining, and designing telec ommunications systems for broadband, cable, and cellular transmissions. Deep familiarity with digital and analog equipment and tools. Top levels of manual dexterity and technical knowledge result in a track record of excellent work completed within time and budgetary constraints. Detail-oriented troubleshooter who takes pride in coming up with optimally effective solutions that account for all aspects and ramifications. Friendly and professional, builds great rapport with team members and clients alike.Work ExperienceTelecommunication EngineerInstaCom TechnologiesOctober 2014 present* Manage installation and/or upgrade of systems.* Supervise team members performing installations or repairs. * Prepare instructions and training materials for system einzelschritts.* Lead team in comprehensive problem analysis for existing systems.* Analyze and solve system and equipment malfunctions and inefficiencies.* Schedule maintenance and service for equipment and systems.* Reduce incidence of b reakdowns by designing and implementing improved maintenance and service routine.* Train new team members.Telecommunication EngineerGencorp InfosystemsApril 2010 October 2014* Prepared detailed plans for installations or comprehensive upgrades.* Supervised team of engineers and technicians throughout major projects.* Completed project analysis reports.* Designed optimal, cost-effective, high-function solutions to meet clients specific needs.* Generated and maintained service documentation.* Created instructional materials for operation and maintenance of equipment.* Inspected and tested equipment.* Sourced, purchased, and installed new equipment and components.* Maintained optimal function via planned upgrades and regular service.* Upgraded company productivity by integrating existing telecommunications to function on a unified platform.Assistant Telecommunication EngineerGBH SolutionsJune 2005 March 2010* Provided technical support for variety of systems.* Prepared reports and do cumentation for ongoing projects and routine service calls.* Installed new system components.* Repaired and replaced components as needed.* Checked and tested new installations and repairs to ensure functionality.* Assisted senior engineer in working on large-scale installations and upgrades.* Coordinated services with clients.* Communicated with telecom service providers to ensure optimal service.Education and TrainingMaster of Science in Computer Science 2004State University, StateBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 2002State University, StateSkills* Proficient in handling variety of electric and cabling equipment* Knowledge of network monitoring software* Thorough understanding of communications technology* Committed to staying current on new technological developments* Able to explain technical issues to clients* Creative, needs-oriented approach to problem-solving* Adept at reading and designing blueprints and technical plans* Effective communicator* Excels at leadi ng projects and working with team members* High level of attention to detailHobbies and InterestsIn my spare time, I enjoy hiking, fishing, and camping with my family. I also enjoy playing chess and have participated in amateur tournaments. On weekends, I lead a childrens chess workshop at the local community center. Customize CVTelecommunication Engineer CV Questions1. How do you write a summary statement for a telecommunication engineer CV? Initially, recruiters may only give your CV a quick glance due to the high volumes they review. Thus, your summary must convey your qualifications for the job along with the value you bring in only a handful of sentences. Note how the applicant does this in the telecommunication engineer CV sample by sharing general facts about his experience and skills, along with stating details regarding his personality. Consider similar selling points that you have to offer, and then write them in a way piques the interest of a prospective employer.2. What do you put on a telecommunication engineer CV for your first job? Almost everyone got their start somewhere by convincing a company to take them on. Doing that requires you to showcase those skills and opportunities that could lend themselves to success in the position you are applying for, which our resume builder shows you how to do effortlessly. As you read through the telecommunication engineer CV sample, notice many of the skills shared do not necessarily apply to a certain industry but rather are general ones that can translate from whatever environment one has been in (whether it be school, an internship, or volunteer work) to a new job. Speaking of internships, they can serve as a substitute for previous work experience.3. What should you include about your accomplishments on your telecommunication engineer CV? Far too many stories end with You had to be there. Unfortunately, the recruiters you are trying to impress were not there to see your previous professional accomplish ments, so you need to find a way to share them that is meaningful. In addition to the clear formatting of the telecommunication engineer CV sample, detailed metrics can help to provide context to your achievements. For example, rather than stating Worked to ensure outstanding network reliability, give readers a measurable figure by saying Provided 98% network reliability to clients. This allows prospective employers to compare your accomplishments to their expectations.4. What should your education section look like in a telecommunication engineer CV?Always identify the level of education a job requires. Often, an employer simply wants to see that you have a degree, so only listing basic information about your educational achievements, as you see in the telecommunication engineer CV sample, is enough. Some employers may want to know the details of your education, such as your cumulative GPA and what courses you took. To ensure you meet expectations, call the contact number provided on a job posting to verify what the company is looking for.5. Whats the best format for a CV PDF, MS Word, or txt? Formatting your CV in MS Word is generally best for two primary reasons. The first is the editing freedom that it gives you. You can always make changes to the Word document to customize your CV to certain jobs, giving you an advantage over those using a general template. The second reason is readability. As you can see, the applicant has optimized the telecommunication engineer CV sample with common keywords and phrases tailored to the search criteria of application tracking systems. Those programs cannot read PDF files, so creating your CV in Word helps ensure it can pass.Using a Job Description to Create a Standout Sample Telecommunication Engineer CVA Sample Telecommunication Engineer Job DescriptionJob SummaryBLT Inc. provides integrated telecommunications solutions for a range of businesses, from small mom-and-pop operations to corporations with branches across th e nation. We pride ourselves on delivering top-of-the-line, fully customized installations and upgrades. As a telecommunication engineer, you will be at the front line of technical implementation, supervising a team of juniorchef engineer, technicians, and other personnel as needed. Your responsibilities will include planning the phases of a project and coordinating resources and scheduling. You will evaluate the clients existing set-up, identify areas of potential improvement, and find the causes of recurring problems. You will also listen to the client and understand what he or she needs. Ultimately, you will have the satisfaction of using your knowledge and skills to create tailored solutions. We provide many opportunities for continuing training and education as well as a great salary and benefits package. Job ResponsibilitiesAs a telecommunication engineer with BLT, you can expect the following regular responsibilities* Interface with clients to understand project goals and res ources* Plan and direct projects for system installation, upgrade, or modification* Identify systemic problems and design optimal solutions that work with the clients goals and budget* Supervise installation, repairs, and service calls* Provide technical assistance and answer clients questions* Provide instructions and materials on operating and troubleshooting system* Maintain cutting-edge knowledge of new developments* Work with vendors and service providers Job SkillsWe would like to see the following qualifications in our candidates for the telecommunication engineer position* Minimum seven years experience in a telecommunication engineer position* Experience integrating and updating older systems* Creative and effective troubleshooting* Ability to discuss technical topics with non-professionals* Leadership and project management abilities* Familiarity with use of network monitoring software* Motivation to keep up with new developments* Preferred Bachelors degree in engineering- related field Create This CVHow to Employ the Job Description in Your Sample Telecommunication Engineer CVNow that you have reviewed our sample telecommunication engineer cv template, you hopefully have a better idea of how to arrange your information. If you are still wondering what exactly to include, your prospective employers job description can serve as a valuable guide. The job skills section usually indicates the employers priorities and shows you which qualifications to emphasize in your curriculum vitae. Especially in a technical field such as telecommunications engineering, employers want to see specific skills in addition to the general qualities all employees should have.Because electronic job application systems may rank CVs based on the employers key terms, using specific phrasing from the job description can help your document rise to the top. Do insert the employers terms organically. Like the fictional applicant in our sample telecommunication engineer cv template, you may choose to include some information in other sections such as work history, summary, or education. After all, getting the employer to notice your CV is a necessary but not sufficient step you still need to impress hiring managers with substantial achievements, skills, and qualities.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

13 hiring horror stories that will teach you some major lessons

13 hiring horror stories that will teach you some major lessons13 hiring horror stories that will teach you some major lessonsHiring a new candidate is always a bit of a gamble. Hiring managers know a new hire can either be a real asset to the gruppe or they can wreak havoc in a company and create a slew of problems for their managers. In an age where ghosting isnt just limited to haunted houses and Tinder, hiring managers are now dealing with ghosting employees. In honor of Halloween, hiring managers in JazzHRs network have shared thirteen of the fruchtwein cringe-worthy stories filled with tales of ghosting candidates, drugs, hitmen and more.Here are 13 tales of horrible new hire stories that are sure to make you gasp, cringe and pull your hair out of fright1. Years back, after hiring a new staffing specialist, and conducting training with her over her first 30 days, it welches becoming evident that she welchesnt able to do the basic functions of the position, and she had poor judg ment when interacting with our clients. About this same time, she approached several of her co-workers about where she could procure various illegal drugs, and then asked about networking to hire a hitman to take care of her current husbands ex-wife, as evidently the alimony thing was a problem for her. She also told her co-workers how she had manipulated her hiring references in bestellung to get the position. I called the police about the inquiries she made about the hitman, and they responded. At the same time I let her go as she was still in a trial period, citing to her that she was unable to perform the basic functions of her position. The day I let her go, I drove a relatives car to work knowing she wouldnt recognize the car, and fearing she could retaliate in some way. Although we couldnt prove it, unfortunately two of the coworkers cars were left with flat tires, which we also reported to the police. They investigated and said the tires were ice-picked through the sidewall, and were notlage repairable. To my knowledge she was never arrested, and moved out of state shortly thereafter.2. We had a new hire who was provided a company direct billed credit card to pay for food and lodging when attending new hire training in another office location. When the bill arrived, there were a number of charges on the card from an adult novelty store located close to the hotel in which the employee was staying. When asked why there were charges unrelated to the food and lodging expenses, the employee stated he did not want his wife to find out about the adult novelty items he purchased because they were for her birthday.close dialogAdvertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyfram es bx-anim-1012257-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012257 top 0 right 0 /* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child padding 0width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color transparent.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1pxbox-shadow 0px 0px 0px 3px black.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-3RBnJGC position absolutetop 50%left 50%transform translate(-50%, -50%)z-index -1.bxc.bx-campaign- 1012257 .bx-element-1012257-wryzWV5 width 55px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-wryzWV5 *first-child animation-name bx-anim-1012257-spinanimation-duration 800msanimation-iteration-count infiniteanimation-timing-function linear.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-lyDBLV9 width 900pxheight 550px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-me4p1bl padding 10px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-ZdLO37u width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-ZdLO37u *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)3. I was in the middle of an vorstellungsgesprch and the candidate said he had to make a quick phone call. They didnt come back for an hour and still wanted to proceed with the interview4. I have had several past candidates start to look extremely confused mid-interview. When I would ask them what the problem was, they would ask me to tell me who I w as and what the company was they were at. Apparently they had applied to multiple jobs and could not keep them straight they had no idea what company they were interviewing with5. Shortly after I hired what I though was a top-rated candidate, they began arriving for work later and later each day up to 430 p.m. Their work suffered, as well.6. We hired an employee who seemed like he would be a great fit. Two days before his agreed on start date, he called and asked if his start date could be moved back a week. We agreed. His new start date arrived, but the employee did not. We called, left messages and sent e-mails with no response. We waited an additional week, thinking maybe he miscommunicated, and meant the following Monday. Still no employee. Again, calls, messages, emails with no response. We moved on, interviewed again, hired someone else. Two months later, the no-show candidate called and asked if he could start now, he had to leave the country for an emergency, and wanted to start. He did not, however, have an answer to Was the destination without cell coverage entirely? Phantom candidate.7. A recently hired team member insisted they move the desk in their cubicle. Of course, there is only one way for the desk to fit comfortably in the space. So, he blocked the entrance and had to climb under his desk anytime he needed to leave his cube.8. Recently hired team member decided they were allergic to carpets, air system, and their desk. They asked multiple times for everything to be replaced.9. While recruiting for a medical group in a Health System, I once recruited the son of a well-known Physician within our Health System. Although this candidate didnt quite have the hands on experience we were looking for, it was one of those hires that we had to handle carefully. Long story short, the gentleman interviewed really well and appeared to be very coachable so we found a home for him within the medical group. After conducting a drug test, we found traces of m arijuana in his system. While this may be normal in some states, it is not permitted in ours and a certainly not permitted within a health system. Im sure you can imagine how awkward it was trying to explain to a physician why we could no longer hire his son.10. Mid-interview I thought I had the perfect candidate for the position. As I was about to extend the job offer, he began to sweat profusely. I offered water, turned the air conditioner to a lower temperature as he began to mumble. I thought Oh No, Ive got a medical emergency on my hands. He excused himself to go to the restroom but didnt return after 15 minutes. I asked a male staff member to enter the mens restroom to check on him. The door was somehow locked and barricaded. The applicant wouldnt answer our calls to open the door but began rambling aloud. I called the fire department and after another 20 minutes the applicant emerged totally intoxicated (empty bottle in hand) and possibly under the influence of something else . The next day his wife called me requesting to know when his start date would be no job offer was extended to this candidate11. Spooked by an assistant in the dark. I had obtain a temporary Administrative Assistant with the intent to eventually hire her. I was in my office and I knew she was in the leasing office. I needed something in the filing cabinet in the leasing office, when I entered the office the lights were off, it was before lunch, so I thought it was rather odd that she was nowhere around and the light was off since I didnt see her leave. I proceeded to turn the light on and walked towards the filing cabinet, when ALL OF A SUDDEN the desk chair moved. Talk about scaring the heebie jeebies out of me, the temp proceeded to climb from under the desk. I when I asked her why she was under there, she proceeded to inform me in a very calm and even voice that she was taking a nap.12. I phone interviewed a candidate and ultimately ended up not advancing him to the in person int erview stage. I sent him an email to tell him that his qualifications did not meet what the Company was looking for. When I explained that there was another candidate who was a closer match he started leaving voicemails and sending emails demanding what he was missing. He also accused me of hiding something from him because I rejected him so early on in the interview process. On the 3rd or 4th voicemail he said that he hoped it wasnt because I Google searched him and found his hacked facebook inc page with pornographic images. As if the voicemail wasnt enough, he proceeded to send an email with a screenshot of the hacked Facebook and explained that he was trying to regain control of the account, but it wasnt working.13. I made a job offer to a candidate, then he ghosted for 4 days. Then he reappeared and said hed been camping and accepted the offer to start in 2 weeks. Then 10 days later he contacted me to say he had a doctor appointment on his first scheduled day of work, and also would it be okay for him to leave early every Tuesday and Thursday for the next few months? Needless to say, he did not end up working here.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Beyoncé s resume proves she is the true artist of the year

Beyonc s resume proves she is the true artist of the yearBeyonc s resume proves she is the true artist of the yearIf the statement the candidate with the highest achievements gets the award was true, wouldnt Beyonc be the winner of this years AMAs?The American Music Awards 2016 are over and left Beyonc with a single award TOUR OF THE YEAR. Doesnt she deserve the ARTIST OF THE YEAR award, though?Beyonc is not only an immensely talented singer, songwriter, dancer but she has a significant experience as an entrepreneur and actress too. She is the most awarded woman artist in MTV Video Music Awards and the most Grammy nominated artist.Everyone is familiar with her thrilling vocals, videos, and live shows. Her career is remarkable and we could all learn a lesson or two on professional development from her.As Beys fans, we did deeper research about her. You can see the most significant parts of her life and career in this resume.What can we learn from Beys career?Reinvent YourselfEven thou gh Destinys Child was a successful formation, Beyonc showed that she can be successful on her own as well. Her first solo album Dangerously in Love, created while she was still a part of the group, was a huge achievement. It won 5 Grammy Awards and sold over 10 million copies worldwideIn 2005, Destinys Child officially split up. Many would have thought that this situation would fluster the whole group, but not Beyonc. She flawlessly continued her career. After Dangerously in Love, she released 5 more very successful albums. She proved that winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.Lesson Dont get set back when a project you worked on ends. Rather look at how to move forward and build on top of your previous experience. Believe in your own strengths and abilities.Create a new opportunity out of any situationBeys 6th and latest album, Lemonade, is quite different from the others. Its like a movie, a visual album, and a unique concept that includes stunning artwor ks and music. It consists of 10 chapters dedicated mainly to her personal struggles and the experience of black women in the USA.With Lemonade, Bey took a different path to her fans hearts. In general, she is known to be very protective of her private life. By sharing the most precious memories from her wedding with Jay Z, her pregnancy and a home video from Blue Ivys birthday party, she touched many souls out there. This approach made Lemonade worthwhile.Lesson Dont get stuck by doing the same thing all over just because it worked well the last time. Put effort into reversing every situation into an opportunity and look for new ways of improving yourself. Remember when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade.Focus on multiple industriesIf youre not Beys biggest fan, you probably know her as just a singer. Beyonc, however, is a successful entrepreneur too.She has invested $150,000 in Sidestep, a mobile app for buying concert merchandise without having to stand in line. She also inve sted in WTRMLN WTR , a watermelon beverage company. She partnered with her trainer and started the 22 Days Nutrition after becoming a vegan in 2013. Bey is a stakeholder in a streaming service Tidal. She is a co-founder of the Ivy Park brand that creates a new kind of workout clothes.Beyonc earned experience in the film industry too. She starred in movies like The Fighting Temptations and Obsessed. She proved she can take on any role and be great at it.Bey loves doing things that she is still learning about. For her, its like starting over. Thats what excites her.Lesson Look for opportunities where you can make a positive change in the world and in yourself. Dont stop developing your skills and surround yourself with creative people. It will help you do amazing things.Beyonc is not just a great artist but also an inspiring woman and a role model. Let us know if you think we left something important out ?? Tatiana Rehmova A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that e verything happens for a reason. Loves writing, editing and researching the newest ways of doing things. 2 comments on Beyonc s resume proves she is the true artist of the year Maky on November 22nd, 2017 - 118am How do you get the charcoal background colour thats shown in Beyones resume? Reply Tatiana Rehmova on November 22nd, 2017 - 813am Hi Maky, this resume was created for marketing purposes only. Unfortunately, you cant find this type of background on our platform. Thanks ?? ReplyLeave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * emaille * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month. Subscribe Youre subscribed Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) LutzHow to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Using New Teacher Resume

Using New Teacher Resume The Little-Known Secrets to New Teacher Resume Resume Your resume (and a great cover letter) is the most crucial bit of your professional portfolio and an important step on the best way to help you receive a teaching job. Before creating your resume, its recommended to acquire a copy of the work description for the job youre applying for or a list of job duties which can be utilised as a reference. So in anticipation for the interview, the resume can offer you an opportunity to thoroughly think through the situations you need your employer to understand about you. Thoroughly read the work description and alter your cover letter to spell out why youre the teacher theyre searching for. The Ugly Side of New Teacher Resume Teachers are a few of the most hardworking, patient and dependable workers out there. Teachers are predicted to earn a difference, therefore its important to prove that on your resume. New teachers frequently have tough competition whe n it regards an available teaching position. fruchtwein teachers should list all their certifications, or any time they anticipate receiving them. Furthermore, you can learn more on the subject of education careers on Monster. Proofreading is of extreme importance when you wish to land that coveted teaching job. You didnt make a decision to be a teacher as you wished to turn into rich, you did it as you have passion for education. A specialist teaching portfolio is vital for all educators. The Foolproof New Teacher Resume Strategy It is crucial to earn a call on the development of your application. Your resume doesnt have to be any longer than 1 page. If you require further info, please dont hesitate to contact me. Please dont be afraid to contact me should you require extra info. The 30-Second Trick for New Teacher Resume Concurrently, you must attend formal instruction which is required for the certificate you are trying to find. Incorporating the right information is crucial to obtain the upper hand over your competition. Teachers need in order to fix quite a few problems, often below a tight deadline. What Is So Fascinating About New Teacher Resume? Locating the perfect teacher resume layout. If you have little teaching experience, include volunteer positions and co-curricular pursuits that involve teaching in some manner. If do not have any teaching experience, you must prove to your potential employers that youre a master in your chosen academic area and you have the capability to instruct. Even if you believe your teaching experience is minimal, its likely greater than you believe It is possible to enter your social networking profile address for an extra point of contact. New emerging resume trends Twitter resumes If you get a massive Twitter presence and wish to make an application for a business which has a huge presence on Twitter you ought to think about sending your resume and job application in 140 characters or fewer. Info graphic resumes appear nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Therefore resume objectives is likely to differ based on the sector in which you are looking for employment. The level at which youre teaching can also produce a difference to your salary package. As a substitute teacher, make certain you dismiss the class at the close of the day in an orderly fashion and care for learners that are picked up late by ensuring they are safe. Very good teachers are famous for their vivacity and sunny disposition. Even experienced teachers need to renew their licenses every fixed number of years, and lots of them enroll in supplementary training or greater education programs to advance their career. However stellar your teaching or choreo-graphy skills, acquiring a strong resume is necessary in the present competitive industry. The range of skills that could be helpful for a teacher is vast. The direction you include your experienc e for a teaching job needs to be tailored. For your objective statement to work, it has to demonstrate that as a teacher youve got the skills, knowledge, or experience to fit in the mission, vision, or aims of the school. If youre deciding between a few diverse quotes to use, pick the most recent one or one that is quite relevant to teaching. As they say, first impressions last, and you also certainly wish to catch your recruiters attention without delay. Youre probably beginning to consider obtaining a teaching job now, but like lots of teachers just starting out, you may not have any clue how to compile a yoga teacher resume, particularly if you dont have any formal teaching experience. Dont be worried if youve never been any type of teacher in any respect.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Is the War for Talent Real

Is the War for Talent RealIs the War for Talent Real? ToddRaphael from ERE_Net weighs in on TheRecruitingReelClick To TweetJosh Tolan My name is Josh Tolan and Im the CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series where we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts to provide you with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruiting.And today, were lucky enough to have Todd Raphael on the show. Todd is Editor in Chief at ERE Media which runs some of the most popular industry communities such as ERE.net, TLNT, SourceCon, and The Fordyce Letter.Known around the world as one of the top HR and recruiting thought leaders, Todd brings a wealth of knowledge to The Recruiting Reel and were excited to have him answer the question Is the war for talent real?Todd Raphael This is Todd Raphael with ERE Media. ERE.net is our domain name. And when it comes fo r the war for talent, I get that there is one. I get that there are occasions when you have people in a finite pool of potential employees they have to have clearances, they have to have a certain certification (IT certification), they have to know how to drive a truck or fly a plane. So there are finite pools of people at any given moment without training, but I feel like from my observations talking to thousands upon thousands of recruiters, managers, and employers over the last few years that the war for talent is actually overstated or overhyped in some cases. Why? Because so many people dont even feel like theyre even eligible to work for so many companies and theyre notI know a lot of people who work very hard, very long hours, and very well (from my observations.) But, they really cant go to a real traditional corporate job and are self-employed or are in some other circumstance where they have a lot of flexibility. Why? They are mothers who have to drop off their kids or th ey have aging parents. Or maybe they dont have kids or aging parents, but maybe they just dont want to commute. Maybe they just dont want to spend their time going to corporate sales retreats, corporate outings, or happy hours after work. Or whatever it might be.A lot of people I know simply dont feel like they fit into what corporate policies expect of them and they probably dont.Unfortunately, and sadly, the result is a larger war for talent than there really needs to be.Josh Tolan Todd brings up an incredibly thought-provoking challenge that every organization amplifying their corporate culture will face.Highly qualified candidates are disqualifying themselves from positions theyre qualified for on the basis of something in the employers messaging that makes them feel like they wont fit in or be a successful and happy employee at that organization even though they have the skills.Sowhat can you do about this? How do you ensure youre not driving away talent before they even apply? Here are 2 steps you should consider immediatelyDont let one individual or team come up with the messaging for your employer brand. Involve multiple people from multiple teams and youll end up with a broader perspective on the culture and personalities within your organization and what employees like about working there.Take this crowdsourced message to market and test it Measure the results and see how it impacts the candidates youre attracting.Over time, youll gather feedback from employees and candidates to improve your messaging and hopefully, attract the highly qualified candidates who may not have applied in the past.A big thank you to Todd Raphael for coming on the show today. Everyone should check out ERE.net to see the amazing community that Todd has helped develop and while youre there, take a look into some of the events and conferences that Todd and the ERE team organize.Lastly, follow Todd on Twitter ToddRaphael and connect with him on LinkedIn using the URL below.Thank you for watching The Recruiting Reel and stay tuned for more episodes. For additional HR and recruiting content, head over to hr.sparkhire.com and subscribe. Also, follow us on Twitter, sparkhire. And subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.Thanks again for watching and happy recruiting