Saturday, July 25, 2020

Social Media Screening for New Hires Proceed With Caution! - Workology

Social Media Screening for New Hires Proceed With Caution! At the speed of well, light, social media has exploded as the favored recruiting and screening tool for many recruiters and employers. National surveys say 73 percent of HR and recruiting professionals now rely on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and corporate blogs to identify, approach, and check out candidates for job openings. Why? The social networking approach is inexpensive, easy to use, and it offers both a huge audience of job seekers and the tools to sort through them quickly and efficiently. But, make no mistake; there are pitfalls and potential risks for employers. From the violation of discrimination and privacy laws, to reliance on the oft times unreliable information that is available on social media sites. If youre not prepared to recognize and avoid the potential pitfalls, you could be greeted with a nasty legal surprise! You will need answers to these and other questions before proceeding and even then, do so with caution Which federal and state laws come into play when you use Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media channels to make employment decisions? What information must you disclose to applicants when you use social media to screen them? How can you proceed safely if you discover potentially negative information on the Internet about an applicant? What are the dangers of relying on social media data about an applicant that may prove later to be unreliable, completely false, or defamatory? There are many other unique legal issues you may face when using social media for recruiting and screening. You could even face negligent hiring claims. Our best advice would be to consult with a professional who understands the social media landscape before proceeding. About the author: Daren Fristoe is president of The Fristoe Group, Inc. (TFG), a solutions provider of human resource products and services for small to mid-sized businesses. During his professional career, Daren has worked in human resources, training and education, benefits and salary administration, general office management, franchise services, communication, corporate marketing and event management, as well as community service outreach programs. For questions or advice on dealing with HR issues from the mundane to the complex, contact TFG at or reach Daren at 816-392-7298

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How to Future-Proof Your Career

Step by step instructions to Future-Proof Your Career Step by step instructions to Future-Proof Your Career It's anything but difficult to become tied up with the promotion that new and problematic advances - especially, computerized reasoning (AI) - are work executioners. Be that as it may, innovation's capacity to change the idea of work, and make a few employments out of date all the while, is the same old thing. Nor is the way that innovation can make new markets and vocation ways - and give chances to laborers to be significantly increasingly profitable and inventive. Obviously, to exploit the future employment slants that these tech progressions will assist with making, experts need to have pertinent aptitudes. Be that as it may, how might you know what aptitudes and capacities you'll should be attractive later on? What steps would you be able to take now to future-evidence your profession and decline the probability of being supplanted by a machine? Robert Half's new report, Jobs and AI Anxiety, offers some understanding. The report dives into how transformative advances like AI, distributed computing, and computer generated reality (VR) are now changing numerous working environments and, after some time, can help make experts much increasingly important to their bosses. The innovation and business specialists met for our report shared their contemplations on how laborers can possibly future-confirmation their vocation - or if nothing else be set up to turn toward another path if necessary. Here are a few techniques that laborers can use to help advance their aptitudes - and their mentality - so they can be set up to exploit future occupation patterns: 1. Foresee tech changes in your working environment One key methodology to future-verification your vocation is to attempt to foresee which advances your association is probably going to receive sooner than later. There are a few different ways you can do that, from being a shrewd onlooker of innovation inclines in your industry to giving close consideration to what pioneers at your firm are stating about the organization's objectives for computerized change. For instance, there's a decent possibility AI arrangements are going to your association soon: According to a worldwide examination concentrate from counseling firm Protiviti, an auxiliary, and exploration firm ESI ThoughtLab, most organizations will apply propelled AI to pretty much every capacity in the following two years. What's the subsequent stage after you recognize some conceivable tech changes going to your work environment? Dr. Tracey Wilen, an analyst and speaker on the effect of innovation on society, work and vocations, recommends that experts figure out how to use in any event two new advances that are probably going to get applicable to their calling. Receiving this ambitious and innovative methodology helped her to advance her own vocation, she says. I worked in assembling for quite a while, and I was extremely mindful of 3D printing and apply autonomy going onto the scene, says Wilen, who was met for Robert Half's Jobs and AI Anxiety report. In this way, I made the point to find out about them - nobody advised me to do this. I went to industry affiliations. I took classes, including each innovation class my boss could offer. I even plunked down with sellers. In case you're stressed over whether you can learn new abilities, give yourself more credit. Another master met for the Jobs and AI Anxiety report, futurist and problematic advancement master Daniel Burrus, says Human are vastly upgradeable. We can learn new things whether we are 18 or 80. 2. Set your profession improvement front and center The Jobs and AI Anxiety report mentions that, when organizations receive new advances and computerize procedures and undertakings, they free their representatives to perform other, more worth including work. This is an extraordinary open door for experts to sparkle, if they're prepared to assume greater liability for coordinating their professions - and are working now to future-evidence them. Be that as it may, numerous individuals don't adopt a proactive strategy to their profession advancement and arranging, and that could without much of a stretch hurt them later on, as per Wilen. She says representatives regularly give less an ideal opportunity to proficient advancement once they are very the workforce, however their center ought to be ceaseless. In the event that you have an inclination that you have to kick off your profession advancement, connect for help. Discussion about your vocation yearnings with your chief, the HR division, and esteemed contacts in your expert system, for a beginning. Taking part in expert and industry associations is another technique for keeping steady over innovation and business drifts that could affect your activity or open ways to engaging new profession ways. 3. Raise your passionate insight On the off chance that you need to future-evidence your vocation, don't simply concentrate on developing and refining your specialized capacities. The specialists we met for the Jobs and AI Anxiety report concur that human aptitudes, for example, compassion will top the rundown of imperative abilities that laborers and business pioneers will require later on. What's more, exhibiting different types of passionate insight, for example, empathy and the capacity to get subtlety, is one region where human specialists have their AI partners beat - at any rate, until further notice. research included in the Jobs and AI Anxiety report found that the greater part of U.S. chiefs (51%) anticipate the presentation of new innovations in the work environment to drive up interest for heavenly delicate aptitudes. In this way, regardless of what future occupation patterns unfurl, you can wager that businesses will in any case esteem capacities and characteristics, for example, basic reasoning, undivided attention, critical thinking and, obviously, versatility. Paul McDonald, senior official chief at Robert Half, says, Delicate aptitudes have been the new hard abilities for quite a long while now in many callings, from money to IT. In case you're not previously trying to develop and ace delicate aptitudes like correspondence and cooperation, you're subverting your capacity to adjust to change and stay applicable later on working environment. 4. Support your inward pioneer As indicated by the Jobs and AI Anxiety report, work later on will act naturally headed to an enormous degree, and furthermore venture driven and group situated. Experts, to prevail in this condition, will require strong administration abilities to guide themselves, their activities and others. Likewise, a few specialists may discover they are tapped for positions of authority in their association much sooner than they may have expected in light of the fact that workforce socioeconomics are changing so quickly. We are going to see increasingly more youthful pioneers in business later on, says boss advanced official Colin Mooney. 5. Be adaptable and strong Grasping adaptability is another key to progress for experts later on work environment. As more associations digitize and convey trend setting innovations like AI and AI to mechanize fundamental undertakings, including a few sorts of dynamic, organizations and laborers will likewise begin to take a gander at employments much in an unexpected way. Work later on won't be characterized - or bound - by your job or occupation title. It will be founded to a great extent on individuals' expanded capacity to apply their own interesting arrangement of abilities, information and gifts to their work, Mooney says. (Basically, Mooney's take is that your work later on will be focused on what even propelled programming alone can't accomplish.) Along these lines, one clear message from the Jobs and AI Anxiety report and the specialists met for it is that you should concentrate on building a strong blend of hard and delicate abilities on the off chance that you need to future-evidence your vocation. You're likely doing that, as these aptitudes are now popular. Pushing ahead, you might need to concentrate on utilizing your basic speculation capacities to dissect how innovation may change your work environment in the close to term and sparkle future occupation patterns. That incorporates looking at how you play out your present work, and whether you could do those procedures or undertakings in an unexpected way - and better - by applying new innovation. Robert Atkinson, president, Information Technology and Information Foundation, who was likewise met for the Jobs and AI Anxiety report, says that intriguing mechanical change, and being eager to face challenges, can assist laborers with staying up with or even remain in front of advanced change. Experts need to picture the following lily cushion and how they can bounce to it, he says. They have to ask: 'What capabilities and abilities do I need?' and 'How and where do I get those aptitudes?' He noticed that an extraordinary beginning spot would try out some Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), free online courses accessible to anybody. Will disturbing your own activity with innovation help to future-confirmation your profession? Possibly. You'll be venturing up to learn important abilities and experience that can assist you with foreseeing and advantage from future employment patterns. In any event, it could assist you with avoiding being upset by advanced change surprisingly.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Choosing Good Marketing Coordinator Resume

Picking Good Marketing Coordinator Resume Marketing Coordinator Resume Features Most computerized promoting organizer positions take a degree in a related field. Deals and promoting organizers work with the publicizing office to help get a company's name in the overall population. A promoting organizer will regularly work in a corporate office, yet may be solicited to get things done for benefit from the publicizing group. Showcasing organizer set of working responsibilities layouts are needed by bosses when they're relied upon to satisfy and make the particulars of the advertising exercises they anticipate from the promoting facilitators. Your advancement supervisor continue synopsis is the outside of your business channel. Second, you ought to obviously perceive the name of the organization that you have to work for. Rather, you are going to need to peruse enough about the undertaking to offer a truly customized remark in your introductory letter. Without resumes, you won't be able to apply for any association. To succeed, you should comprehend what you're confronting. To achieve this, advertising facilitators may need to examine their clients' destinations and plan their techniques appropriately. Advertising facilitators, here and there called advertising pros, use print, communicate and web media to showcase their associations to the overall population. You should have the investigative fortitude to find the exhibition of advanced promoting and publicizing efforts and propose vital substance changes as an approach to improve future battle execution. There are loads of things that are important to be accomplished for the total usage of showcasing exercises and procedures, which is the motivation behind why the activity elements of individuals engaged with promoting forms are very fundamental. At the point when you start a web promoting effort, your absolute first choice is who you have to achieve. The formats help the businesses in causing the plausible contender to comprehend the straightforward truth that they need to create materials and plans for promoting and furthermore, they must have the right stuff in keeping up the publicizing site of the supplier. In a circumstance like this, advertising tasks should get facilitated to achieve the expressed money related and non-fiscal points of the association. So you have your publicizing degree. The circle of advertising needs an assortment of individuals to flexibly the capacities that are essential by the promoting exercises of a specific business venture. The absolute initial step to seeking after a publicizing organizer employment might be a partner's degree in promoting. Promoting Coordinator Resume Ideas The imaginative piece of occupation conveyance is in the genuine message of the work request. Obviously, you should cautiously choose the proper ones dependent on the kind of advanced publicizing and advertising organizer position you're applying for. It's significant for a publicizing facilitator to have a comprehension of different promoting and showcasing approaches and effort rehearses. Advertising facilitator set of working responsibilities layouts are required for giving an exac t and refreshed thought regarding the things that the businesses are looking for in the candidates who need to function as promoting organizers. For the most part, it's the obligation of the network relations facilitator to make the business progressively obvious in the local network by embraced ventures which will assist with profiting everyone in the network. You wish to endeavor to epitomize your association's character. You can see why realizing your ideal organization is so basic. Met with key clients to think of a more profound information on simply the manner in which the business was seen in the commercial center. You're an alumni who's loaded with potential. Preparing representatives may be enormous cost for organizations. On occasion the organizer will likewise work on the board at philanthropic associations in the area. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Marketing Coordinator Resume It's likewise critical to remember that your resume is intended to show your capabilities for another position. You should be in a situation to gloat somewhat here. Composing a resume can be a scary assignment. So as to work, work orders must contain legitimate search queries and portrayals, yet moreover help sell the position and the firm. Consider what you must offer and what the work depiction requests. You should choose the right resume type dependent on the activity that you would need to present an application for. At the point when it has to do with making advertising facilitator expected set of responsibilities formats, it is fundamental for the concerned specialists to have a smart thought on the way toward composing a work portrayal.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Perfecting your pitch - Copeland Coaching

Perfecting your pitch Once youve ordered your business cards, its time to move on to the next step: perfecting your pitch.   Many of the job seekers Ive worked with lately have never heard of this concept.   The idea behind an elevator pitch is this If you had the good fortune of riding in an elevator with someone important who could potentially help you (think the head of a company or a hiring manager), what would you say in the 30 to 60 seconds that it takes to ride an elevator? An elevator pitch should be very clear and very brief (30 to 60 seconds), and should contain the following: Who are you What do you do Why would you be good at the job you want to do Even if you arent talking to a hiring manager, use this same format when you talk to friends or networking contacts who may be able to help you.   It gives them a picture of what youre looking for, so that they can help you. I recently met with a recent graduate from my Alma Mater of Pepperdine.   Hes looking for a job, and although I dont know him, I was willing to meet with him because of the connection.   He was smart with a reasonably decent resume and was looking for help identifying jobs to apply for.   So I asked, What sort of job are you looking for? The answer he gave is one that you never want to give: I would like any kind of job.   You know, in any area of business.   Doing anything.   Im a really hard worker, and whatever it is, I can do it and do it well.   In reality, this recent Pepperdine alum was no doubt trying to be open to experiences.   He was trying to cast his net wide to gain as many potential opportunities as possible. The problem with this approach however is that it gives the impression that you have no direction.   You dont know what you want, and frankly, you might be desperate.   Your friends and contacts have no idea which way to point you, and it could be a bit risky for them too.   After all, if they find a hot job lead for you, it will probably be related to their own work in some way.   They might know the hiring manager personally, or it could be at the company that they work for.   Either way, they are putting their own reputation on the line when they recommend you.   In the end, by casting your net so wide, you will actually find less opportunities.   Your network of contacts will not want to risk their credibility on someone who cant explain what they want to do. With that in mind, its time to perfect your pitch.   Here are a few tips: Come up with a specific idea(s) of what you want to do.   If you have 2 or 3 very different ideas, thats okay.   But then you will need to develop 2 or 3 pitches, and pick and choose which one to use when. Write down your pitch.   Writing it down will help you to organize your thoughts and minimize rambling when the time does come to give your pitch.   The entire thing should take up less than one sheet of paper.   Typically, a typed double spaced piece of paper will take you about a minute to read.   Keep it under this length. Ensure you are answering the three questions: a. who you are, b. what you do, and c. why youd be perfect for this job Speak in straight forward, simple terms.   This is not the time to display all the fancy words that you picked up while studying at that college of yours.   Focus your time on answering the questions at hand, not showcasing your vocabulary. Be prepared to adjust your pitch.   Remember, the idea behind a pitch is that you may randomly meet someone who could be helpful.   This could be in an airport, at a party, or walking down the street.   You never know.   Be ready to change up the contents of your pitch to fit with the other person.   For example, if you have 3 very different pitches, give the one that is the most closely related to the person youre pitching to. Being able to customize your pitch on the spot is something that comes with practice.   Learning to pitch yourself is like learning to hit a golf ball or play the piano.   The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. When I was in graduate school, I took my own pitch practice to the extreme.   My school was located near Los Angeles, and there happened to be a number of national conferences going on in LA that year.   Each conference would host a career fair, and would charge a small fee (~$40) to attend the career fair (but not the conference).   Each fair had about 300 employer booths.   I would spend an entire day going from booth to booth, giving my pitch over and over to every recruiter.   It took hours.   It was exhausting.   But in the end, I was prepared.   I could pitch any type of employer on my background at the drop of a hat.   Im an introvert, so forcing myself to go through this exercise also helped to build up my stamina for talking to people about my career interests for long periods of time.   This comes in handy when you later find yourself in an 8-hour interview. If you dont have the opportunity to attend a giant career fair, theres still hope.   My first suggestion is to start with an older relative or parent who doesnt work in your industry.   I started out my career in technology, so I would often pitch my ideas to my mother, who is a musician.   Our fields were so vastly different that if she could understand my pitch, I knew that I had nailed it.   You will not always pitch to someone who knows what you do.   As a matter of fact, its rare.   Youll be talking to someone who knows someone.   In my personal example, I was pitching to HR recruiters at the career fairs. Once your initial practice runs are complete, its time to get out in front of people you dont know.   Look up networking events in your area on sites like LinkedIn and   Consider a wide variety of events such as young professional events, industry specific meetups, or cocktail parties.   Attending different types of events will allow you to meet different types of people, in different industries, and from different age groups. But before you go, be prepared.   Dont be shy about giving your pitch.   Its just like introducing yourself, but a bit more advanced.   After some practice, it will feel more natural.   In the meantime though, fake confidence if you have to. And, dont forget your business cards!   Whats the use of giving your pitch if the person doesnt know how to contact you afterward?   Its easy to say, Id love to give you one of my cards or Heres one of my cards or Do you have a card? Anyway, you get the idea.   Good luck, and remember practice makes perfect!